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Podcast Blog

Podcasting for Influence: Reach CEOs and Other Key Decision Makers With Podcasts

In the fast-paced, competitive digital world we inhabit, forging meaningful connections with key decision-makers is no easy task. Traditional channels often fall short when it comes to engaging this elusive audience.


Podcasting to reach business decision-makers.

We partnered with contentFX to investigate the podcast consumption habits of hard-to-reach business audiences, such as CEOs and business owners, and the influence on their decision-making. We gathered data from 511 individuals from the US and the UK.

We discovered that 55% of business owners and founders are listening to podcasts daily, and that podcasts have a strong impact on listener's brand awareness and favourability.

Download the full research now to discover more!

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    Steven Bonnard

    Head of Marketing

    Hi, I'm Steven. I'm a globe-trotter who loves running long distances and listening to podcasts, especially from the news, politics and fantasy categories.