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Revolutionize Your Internal Communication with Private Podcasting

Say goodbye to boring company updates and hello to an engaging private internal podcasting. Create and share content exclusively for your employees

Make my company podcast
Your people want to hear from you

Create a private podcast: reach your team with ease

Efficient internal communication is super important and challenging, especially in the larger teams of enterprise companies.

Keeping your team up to date on company news, organized in trainings, and connected is a lot easier said than done. There’s only so much interest and engagement you can drive through emails, webinars, and intranet channels.

With private podcasting, you can share company updates or deliver training to all employees conveniently.

You can offer valuable learning and guidance on career growth and skill development, all while building a strong company culture and establishing trust with your team. You get to connect with your listeners — and they get to connect with you.

Private internal podcasting is a great tool for fast-growing startups that need to onboard new employees, train them, and retain their company culture in a fast-changing environment.

Ready to start publishing? From content generation, to post-production, to implementation and distribution — whatever your needs — Lower Street has you covered to make your private internal podcast a success.


I Want In.

I genuinely loved working with Lower Street, they have an incredible team and I would recommend them any day of the week. Our producer Sam, was the absolute highlight of the entire process, he was exceptionally gifted, kind, and funny which made the whole project a lot of fun.


Joel Di Trapani, Co-CEO and Co-Founder at Vygo

Streamline your communication with private internal podcasting

From a listener's perspective, podcasting is the least demanding content delivery channel as it can be consumed while you’re doing other things — working out, running errands, or doing the dishes.

However, developing really great internal content is hard. Sure there are new and shiny channels out there, but if your employees aren't engaging with your emails, yet another channel isn't going to be the fix alone.

You need a partner that understands how to create and deliver great content, and a channel that reaches your team effectively, remotely, and in a way you can measure.

Enter the internal podcast.


Help me engage my team
Make comms more human

Nail your internal podcast strategy, content, & diffusion from the very first episode

Succesful private internal podcasting requires thought, flexibility, and collaboration with a podcast production company that cares about much more than just audio.

Keep your employees informed, inspired, and engaged, even if they're halfway across the world or just a few seats away. With the power of internal podcasts, you can share company news and insights in a fun, engaging way that showcases your unique culture and values.

Skip years of struggle & launch your amazing private podcast now

Develop a show that your team actually enjoys. From concept and format, to finding your host and writing scripts, we can help you develop the perfect content for your team. Most podcast production companies start working when you stop recording. With Lower Street , in your private podcasting, we’re with you from start, to way beyond finish.


Conceptualization & artwork

Our team will help you iron out the details of your internal podcast idea, and get the branding elements ready to go.

Recording & Production

You’re in good hands, we’ll help you get the right podcast equipment, make sure the recording goes smoothly, and take care of perfecting the final audio.

Hosting & Uploading

Once your audio is ready, our producers will get your RSS set up and schedule your episodes with top-quality show notes for optimization.

Internal promotion support

Need extra help getting employees to tune in? Our podcast promotion team will strategize to fact your show, their new favorite.


We’ll keep an eye on your podcast episode after episode to measure growth and see areas for improvement.

Creating a valuable podcast involves a lot more than audio production.

That’s why, along with handling editing, we help your internal podcast: deliver a unique and consistent message across your company, share your leaders’ visions to help employees gain a deeper understanding of what drives the organization, build a stronger company culture, and drive higher engagement rates.

Let's talk about your company's internal comms
We'll walk you through every step of the journey for successful private internal podcasting

Harry and the Lower Street team's expertise and guidance throughout the process were invaluable in ensuring that the podcast episodes aligned with our vision and resonated with our audience. Creating an internal podcast is a labor of love, and that is why these episodes have turned out so amazing.

Field leadership development senior manager at a leading global food & beverage brand

Private internal podcasting that saves you time and money

Creating an incredible internal podcast, one that your employees will actually take the time to listen to, requires thought, flexibility, and collaboration with producers who care about much more than just audio.

At Lower Street, we can work with your team to find potential gaps in your internal communication strategy and assess them in an efficient way.

Typically we start with a conversation about why you want to explore internal podcasting and what value it will bring to your team. We then discuss structure and format, narration style and the overall tonality of your private podcast.

When you’re ready to get started, we’ll also give you practical advice on equipment, software, and other tools to help you record the best possible audio.


Any company can benefit from private internal podcasting.

Whether you're a startup with a tight-knit group of employees or a larger corporation looking to foster a sense of community amongst your staff, internal podcasting provides a unique and powerful way to connect with your team and build a passionate employee base.

Tech Companies
Tech Companies

Improve collaboration, share knowledge, and foster a strong company culture.


Multi-office enterprise companies
Multi-office enterprise companies

Unify your teams and streamline communication across different locations.



Build team cohesion and share knowledge, even if you're all working remotely.

Get in touch

Share as much info as you can and we'll be in touch this week about your podcast

“Lower Street's B2B podcasting expertise proved invaluable. Our podcast has demonstrated an impressive reach, surpassing the download and consumption numbers we initially expected, and as a result we're more committed than ever to this channel. It's become a powerful platform for brand awareness and thought leadership.”

Isobel Pearce, UK Marketing Manager at Zühlke Group

We know what you're wondering...

Where should I host, and how do I distribute, my private podcast?

There are a bunch of options, and we can work with you to determine the best platform for your team. Get in touch to learn more.

If you want to read more on the subject, we've covered this topic in our blog post about building an internal company podcast.

What are your rates?

Our rates depend on your needs, so fill in the contact form above and we'll send you some more information.

Who is Lower Street and how long have you been in business?

We started the company in late 2016 and have grown from a one-man band (that one man is me, Harry Morton, hi!), to a full-time team of 5 with regular contractors that come in to projects we need them for.

We're a proud fully remote team and have been since the beginning. We're spread across the US, the UK, Europe and Asia. So whatever timezone you wake up in, we're probably online doing our thing :)

We genuinely love what we do and want to share our passion for audio storytelling. You can learn more about us here.

How many clients do you work with?

We've worked on over 1,000 podcast episodes to date, totalling millions of downloads in a range of industries.

At any one time we could be working with anywhere between 15-25 podcast clients.

You can find some examples of our work here.

I've got more questions

No problem! Get in touch with us here and we'll get back to you within 1 business day with the answers.