Podcasting has become a powerful tool for brands to connect with their target audiences, but there is a significant blind spot when it comes to content creation and audience engagement: sharing diverse perspectives. This post, following up on a session at the Brand Podcast Summit, highlights the crucial role of diversity in podcasting. From how diverse teams empower brands through podcasting, to how sharing diverse voices and stories can elevate brand leadership. We also explore the role of podcast advertising and the untapped potential of Black and Latino audiences.
Let’s look into the insights and implications for brands bringing diverse perspectives into the podcasting space.
Opportunity for Brands in the Podcasting Space
Podcasts are created for many reasons, many branded podcasts focus on raising brand awareness or thought leadership, rather than direct sales. However, many brands look to podcast advertising as an aspect of their marketing strategy. Podcast advertising is a way to speak directly to a target audience, and reach them more genuinely, week after week.
Yet, in both branded podcasts and podcast advertising, brands have largely overlooked a significant opportunity to engage with diverse audiences.
According to a study by Sounds Profitable, a considerable percentage of American adults express interest in podcasts related to their favorite TV shows, movies, and yes, even brands.
Most notably, Black and Latino audiences were especially tuned into branded podcasts. While Black Americans make up 12% of the US Population, they account for 16% of Brand Podcast listeners. Latinos account for 17% of the US Population but are 20% of Brand Podcast listeners (Sounds Profitable 2023). This study emphasizes the need for inclusive and tailored strategies.
Many brands have largely left this audience outside of their scope - yet these studies also emphasize the financial potential of diverse audiences, just considering the projected buying power of Latino and Black Americans. Data shows us that podcast listeners from these communities are actively engaged in responding to podcast advertisements, indicating a compelling opportunity for brands to connect with these audiences.
Looking at podcast advertising impact - 10.2% of Latino podcast listeners and 12% of Black podcast listeners were likely to visit a retail location and make a purchase after hearing a podcast ad.
Moving forward brands should consider the growing audiences in the podcasting landscape: Gen Z which is the fastest-growing audience, and the increasing buying power of the Black and Latino population.
Importance of Diverse Teams in Podcast Creation
The podcast industry should look to improve diversity beyond guest features and advertising, but also behind the mic and on production teams.
It is essential that content, not only in podcasting but across channels, share authentic representation and cultural nuances.
But you don’t have to have a huge production team to do this, you just need more eyes and ears on your work. Smaller teams can achieve this goal by asking for help from family, friends, and their greater network, or by engaging consultants who have experience making content for diverse communities. Make sure your content is seen, and evaluated by those with different backgrounds than yourself to ensure your content can be consumed, understood, and enjoyed by a range of audiences.
Diverse production teams and the use of alternative cultural voices and perspectives within a podcast can ensure content that resonates with more communities. Your brand probably doesn’t have an exclusive appeal to one community, so your production team should be as diverse as the audience you’re trying to reach.
Audiences prefer podcasts that incorporate diverse stories, perspectives, and hosts. Storytelling in podcasts is strengthened by a mix of narratives. There’s no better way to do this, than to ensure your team, and your guests include a mix of cultural voices and perspectives. Content more genuinely resonates with an audience when the authentic representation of diverse teams is working on a project.
Successful Branded Podcasts with Diverse Voices
Here are a few brand podcasts that deserve a listen. Each one has successfully highlighted a blend of diverse voices in their own way, serving varying audiences.
Roundabout is a podcast stemming from a partnership between State Farm, Acast and DCP Entertainment. This series brings stories of the road to listeners, sharing the hectic, hilarious, and heartwarming moments of travel. It also authentically portrayed the stories of black and brown podcasters.
Black Blood Heals
Black Blood Heals is a branded podcast by BeThe Match and Adode Media that explores the stories of heroic Black donors who have saved lives, and Black patients in need of life-saving treatment. It shares the stories of Black voices, from doctors to patients.
Toure Show
DCP’s show, Toure Show, shares success stories from Black actors, musicians, politicians, athletes, and more. They teamed up with Dell for branded podcast episodes around black small business, inspiring listeners on how they can achieve their goals and grow their businesses. This is an example of how branded podcasts don’t need to be their own standalone series.
Into The Mix
Into the Mix presented by Ben & Jerry’s and Vox is a podcast focused on Art, Activism, and Social Change. The podcast is Ben & Jerry’s second podcast that highlights the voices of BIPOC communities, and in their first season (2022) they teamed up with ABF Creative to ensure authentic storytelling. Their first podcast followed a narrative history - Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America sharing an in-depth study into racism in America.
Resources for Building Diverse Teams
To address the challenges of building diverse teams, here are some valuable resources to find diverse talent in podcast creation. From minority-owned business directories to podcast creator associations, platforms, and organizations are dedicated to connecting brands with diverse production teams and content creators.
Conclusion - Watch the Full Talk
These insights highlight the pivotal role of diverse teams in empowering brands to effectively engage with diverse audiences through podcasting. By focusing on inclusive strategies, authentic representation, and collaboration with diverse teams, brands can harness the full potential of podcasting to connect with and influence a wide range of audiences. As podcasting continues to evolve, the emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion will be key to driving meaningful brand engagement and authentic connections with diverse communities.
Watch the full talk for my insights on future trends and considerations:
Thinking about launching a podcast for your brand?
If you need a hand launching, producing, or promoting your branded podcast, the Lower Street team is here to help. Get in touch for a free us today to get started.
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