WFH Daily

WFH is a daily work from home podcast to help you stay connected, productive, and sane while working remotely.

Previous episodes

WFH Daily

Making a Schedule and Keeping Organised Whilst Working Remotely. How Our Team Does it.

Episode 110 • 07-09-2020
We're back with Kyle and Daniel from the Lower Street team, and this time we're talking about making your own schedule, the value of sticking to it, and how Daniel keeps his thoughts in one place using Evernote.
WFH Daily

How do I Beat Stress? And What Does ‘Healthy’ Even Look Like? Dr Emil Goliath.

Episode 109 • 04-09-2020
Working from home brings its own unique challenges when it comes to our physical and mental health. In this episode we talk to Dr Emil Goliath about what actionable steps we can take to manage stress, and what do actually mean when we talk about staying healthy?
WFH Daily

Babies, Pets, and Deadlines - How we Work Remotely in the US, the UK, and the Philippines.

Episode 108 • 02-09-2020
Kyle and Daniel work on the Lowerstreet team, and are based in the Philippines and the US - thousands of miles away from Harry who lives in the UK. In this episode the trio talk about their WFH experiences and how they juggle babies, pets, and work.
WFH Daily

How to Make your Home Office Setup, Share it With others, and Keep Work Separate from Home when they’re Under the Same Roof. Michael Bird - HPE.

Episode 107 • 31-08-2020
What does a good WFH setup look like, how do you share the space with others in your house, and is it possible to keep work and personal life separate when you're doing everything under one roof? Harry talks to Michael Bird from HPE again in this episode to find out.
WFH Daily

How to Work From Home with Kids. Frankie Tortora - Doing it for the Kids.

Episode 106 • 28-08-2020
Getting work done and, more importantly, preserving your sanity whilst working from home is really important. In this episode Harry talks to Frankie Tortora about her experience working from home with kids, what helps keep her productive, and how to keep yourself motivated and accountab...
WFH Daily

A New Job, but No Office, and the Siren’s Call of Biscuits. Real WFH stories with Michael Bird

Episode 105 • 26-08-2020
What do you do when you start a new job, and not long after the world goes into lockdown? And, more importantly, how do you avoid those pesky tasty biscuits in your cupboard that have been calling your name all morning...
WFH Daily

The Power of Procrastination, and finding connections online when Working from Home. Sian Meades-Williams - Freelance Writer.

Episode 104 • 24-08-2020
No really, procrastination does have its benefits! In this episode Harry talks to Sian Meades-Williams about her productive procrastination, and how social media can be a force for good in your social life.
WFH Daily

How to Manage your Mental Health, and your Colleagues Mental Health, at Work. Faye McGuinness - MIND

Episode 103 • 21-08-2020
Here are some actionable tools and processes for managing the mental health of yourself and others at work from the mental health charity MIND's Head of Workplace Wellbeing Programmes Faye McGuinness. Harry and Faye talk about it from the perspective of both employee and manager, and ou...
WFH Daily

Forgotten and Floundering, or Focused and Flourishing - What’s the Future of Remote Work? Sean Blanda - Crossbeam.

Episode 102 • 19-08-2020
We love to talk about the positives of remote work - but it isn't without its pitfalls. In this episode Harry talks to Sean Blanda again about his article that highlights the potential issues with remote working, and the two discuss what can be done to avoid them.
WFH Daily

Balance, Care, and Mario Kart - Making WFH Work for You. Sian Meades-Williams - Freelance Writer.

Episode 101 • 17-08-2020
Work life balance is the name of the game these days, and everyone's having trouble getting it right. In this episode Harry talks to Sian Meades-Williams about her work life balance in the new normal, and why we should take it a bit easier on ourselves right now.